Staff Council COVID-19 Support


The System Offices Staff Council has formed a committee to help System Offices employees meet needs that arise due to COVID-19.

Needs could include:

  • I am unable to physically pick-up grocery items.
  • I am unable to physically pick-up supplies.
  • I need infant formula for my child and cannot find it in stores.
  • I’m overwhelmed and uncertain of emotional support resources available to me.
  • I need to be connected with childcare options.

Our intention is to provide a platform for those needs to be communicated, and connect you with services that can help you meet the need.


There may be needs that we can’t meet. This service is limited to the household of System Offices employees only, during the local COVID-19 outbreak. Funds are not currently available to meet financial needs. If a lock-down situation arises, the service will no longer be available. The committee is able to assist with physical deliveries as needed, but is forbidden from any face-to-face interaction with a person or entry/contact with their home.