Staff Council Meeting
November 29, 2016
1:30 pm
Attendees: Melissa Parker, Kathy Nelson, Pamela Gentry, Halli Falke, Leigh LoBello, Megan Johnson, Liz Galvan

Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting

  • Tues Dec 6th at 9am at Miramont Country Club in Bryan
  • 198 people attending
  • Transportation – 163 people confirmed to ride the bus
    • Each bus holds 80 people – do we need 3?
    • Fill each bus so no one gets left behind
    • Need help at MCB with buses
      • Megan, Leigh, and Kathy
    • Awards
      • Staff Council will help pass out awards, Melissa will call out names
      • Someone will need to call names for the 15 years (since Melissa will be getting one)
        • All Staff Council Members can rotate

Scotty’s House Stars

  • December 14th – Late afternoon – will deliver gifts

Christmas Tree Decoration

  • Christmas Tree on 2nd Floor
    • Invite System staff to decorate the tree and have cookies and milk
    • 2pm
    • Put tree together and setup tables ahead of time
    • Tim to take photos (will be put on website)

Staff Appreciation Week

  • March 2017
  • Ideas Discussed
    • Potluck/Snacks – by floor/dept
    • Scavenger Hunt