Staff Council Meeting
July 31, 2017
Meeting Attendees: Pamela Gentry, Megan Fulton, Megan Johnson, Janie Tountas, Amy Jenkins, Halli Falke, Leigh LoBello, Kathy Nelson, and Melissa Parker

Meeting Minutes

Officers for 2017-18

  • Chair – Pamela Gentry
  • Vice Chair – Megan Fulton
  • Treasurer – Jackie Gibson
  • Secretary – TBA

Staff Council Members / Who They Represent

  • Pamela Gentry – Representing Budget/Payroll/Personnel Operations Center, Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Data Warehouse, Enterprise Software Initiatives, FAMIS, Information Technology Services, Human Capital Management
  • Megan Fulton – Representing Benefits Administration, Treasury Services, Risk Management, Safety
  • Jackie Gibson – Representing Budgets & Accounting, Human Resources, Procurement Services, System Aircraft
  • Janie Tountas – Representing General Counsel, Real Estate, EEOC
  • Amy Jenkins – Representing Academic Affairs, Board of Regents Office, Chancellor’s Office, Federal Relations, Marketing and Communications, State Relations, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Zahra Brown – Representing Internal Audit
  • TBA – Representing Facilities Planning & Construction

Website and Minutes

Chancellor’s Picnic

  • Start brainstorming caterers and alternate locations to discuss during our next meeting.
  • Pamela will be getting with Josie on available dates.
  • Possible Silent Auction
    • May involve departments each getting baskets together

EOQ/SOS Committee

Provide the names of two individuals from your area who would be willing to serve on the EOQ/SOS committee. Four individuals will be selected to serve on the committee with the Chair.

Scholarship Committee

Janie will head the Scholarship Committee.

System Annual Meeting

Please brainstorm on locations.

Fundraising/Other Activities

Please brainstorm on fundraising ideas and other activities that we can discuss at our next meeting to add to the survey.

Tuition Assistance Program

We will take a vote in our August meeting on if Staff Council wants to head this up.

Employee Anniversary Gifts

  • We will look through the book at a following meeting to pick anniversary gifts.
  • We order these in September when we receive our funds for the next FY.
  • Randy Guillot in BPP can provide an updated list of employees and their Employment dates for distribution on anniversary gifts.


Shirt sizes needed