SSC Meeting Minutes

Apr. 28, 2020


  • Meagan Kuitu – Chair
  • Aubrey Craft – Vice Chair
  • Amy Doyel – Secretary
  • Maeci Hoffman – Rebranding Committee Chair
  • Amy Suter – EOQ Chair
  • Nathan Ciomperlik – Scholarship Committee Chair
  • Lindsey Thomson
  • Joan Muniz
  • Sallie Wytaske


  • Aubrey Craft
    • Monitor and provide updates bi-weekly (once at each meeting and once 2 weeks in between) in regards to the status of each feedback submission to ensure accountability and progress
  • Nathan Ciomperlik
    • Dive deeper into modifications of voted upon scholarship selection method to share next meeting
  • Amy Doyel
    • Good Newsletter

General Business

  • COVID-19 Task Force has received no requests to date, Town Hall has likely filled need for employee feedback for the time being
  • Compiling content for mid-year report which will now be end-year report
  • Staff Picnic – Cancelled. Potential to do a welcome back event instead
  • Breakfast with Billy will begin when we are back on-site with 10 randomly selected participants
    • Need to brainstorm catering vendors
  • Staff Appreciation Week – need to figure out a way to materialize when we are back in office
  • Secretary Report
  • Spring Apparel fundraiser still postponed along with profit shares and “Breakfast with Billy” event, will discuss in May and vote to reinstate monthly
  • BV Bombers Game (tentatively scheduled 7/31/20)
  • Solicit volunteers for FY 2021 (June, Vote in July Meeting)


  • Rebranding Committee
    • On hold due to COVID-19, although communications about the task force have invited feedback and increased awareness of role in supporting staff
  • EOQ
    • Upcoming in June along with Student of the Semester Award
  • Scholarship Committee Report
    • Presented four options to the group for changes in the application and selection process of scholarship recipients; ultimately voted to keep things as is with an even distribution, however, modifications to this process will continue to be discussed.


  • TBD