SSC Meeting Minutes

Feb. 19, 2020


  • Meagan Kuitu – Chair
  • Aubrey Craft – Vice Chair
  • Amy Doyel – Secretary
  • Maeci Hoffman – Rebranding Committee Chair
  • Nathan Ciomperlik
  • Lindsey Thomson
  • Joan Muniz
  • Sallie Wytaske
  • Kathy Mazurkiewicz – Non-Voting Advisor
  • Billy Hamilton – Deputy Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
  • Josie Wytaske – Assistant to the Deputy Chancellor
  • Adam Davidson – Director, Human Resources


  • Aubrey Craft
    • Monitor and provide updates bi-weekly (once at each meeting and once 2 weeks in between) in regards to the status of each feedback submission to ensure accountability and progress
    • Coordinate additional brainstorming/research regarding Annual Meeting feedback
  • Nathan Ciomperlik
    • Nathan will meet with scholarship committee (Joan, Lindsey, & Nathan) to explore potential application review process changes to present options at Mar. meeting
  • Amy Doyel
    • Coordinate logistics to launch spring apparel sales fundraiser
  • Meagan Kuitu
    • Picking-up profit check from CC Creations
    • Send final write-up of feedback items to Josie & Billy



  • Chair Report
    • Admin leave – HR has added 8 hours of admin leave for everyone, will be visible/usable 3/1/20
    • System-Wide Collaboration – initiated collaborative forum among 15 staff councils in A&M System, date TBD (early March)
    • Compiling content for mid-year report
    • Working on invitation for Picnic
  • Secretary Report
    • Meeting with potential Spring Apparel Sales vendor 2/25. Will keep group posted via email on status updates before we decide to move forward.


  • Rebranding Committee
    • Going to work on newsletter update to send in February that will remind staff of avenues for feedback and highlight things accomplished by staff council in the last 6 months
    • Consider QR code posting as a way to spread the word


  • 008 – Healthy Food
    • Wellness Works office offered to supply fresh fruit 1x/month as a pilot program. Staff Council will monitor employee usage.
    • Food safety concern: needs to not require refrigeration, and be kept from contamination.
    • Billy will check with Dr. Ballabina from AgriLife on additional options.
  • 009 – Annual Meeting
    • Staff Council working to brainstorm ways to make the meeting more engaging, while continuing to honor the recipients of service awards.
    • Ideas discussed: add intermission, Q&A time (Billy is willing to answer questions), door prizes, annual gift
    • Will present additional ideas next quarter.
  • 010 – Events
    • Measures have been taken to reduce overlap, including: shared calendar, elimination of October Staff Council events, and hold on Staff Council fundraising during SECC.
    • Event ideas have been added to list maintained by Staff Council.
    • Staff Council voted against combining efforts with SECC, supported by Deputy Chancellor.
  • 011 – Personal Trainer
    • Staff council recommends Wellness Works conduct a survey of what offerings employees want and working alongside Wellness Works to assess feasibility.
    • Amy Doyel volunteered to contact local gyms for group pricing rates.
    • Staff Council members prefer investment in this over the healthy food initiative, if we could not achieve both.
    • Deputy Chancellor supports the use of a survey to guide options, and is willing to look into additional funding sources as needed.
  • 012 – Work Hour Adjustments
    • System Regulation 33.06.01 allows for the adjustment of hours within a workday or workweek, with supervisor approval, as long as a 40-hour workweek is maintained. Flexible work arrangements are also available to System Office employees for longer term schedule adjustments.
    • We encourage managers to work with their employees to find scheduling solutions that meet the needs of both the office and the employee to the extent possible.
    • System Offices Human Resources encourages employees to reach out with questions.
  • 013 – Unlock Doors
    • Some Staff Council members are supportive of this idea, to reduce burden on employees as they enter the building, and allow them to re-enter the building after 5:00 if they forget an item.
    • There is a security concern regarding this item; additional discussion is needed.
    • Billy Hamilton seeking input from Risk Management.


  • Picnic planning is underway
    • Veterans Park, 3/26 6-8 pm, Catered by J Cody’s
    • Waiting for feedback from singing cadets and yell leaders about microphone needs, can save $ by renting sound equipment and not hiring DJ
    • Need status update on silent auction donations
  • Breakfast/Lunch with Deputy Chancellor quarterly event moving forward. Meagan coordinating with Josie for logistics.


  • TBD