Staff Council Meeting
July 1, 2019
Attendees: Jackie Gibson, Meagan Kuitu, Janie Tountas, Amy Suter, Amy Jenkins, Maeci Hoffman, Gale Hoelscher, Lindsey Thomson

Meeting Minutes

Treat for July/August

  • Ideas: Popsicles (Frios), Snow Cones
  • Popsicles were more expensive, but we have the budget
  • Date will be August 16, 2019


Update on Meeting with Billy Hamilton

  • Proposed Changes
    • Voluntary Participation
    • Participation Incentives
      • Two admin days
      • Can we get new polos?
    • Representation and Executive Sponsorship
      • Soliciting feedback electronically and submit items to executive sponsor
    • Staff Scholarships – Chancellor’s discretionary funds will match our scholarships dollar-for-dollar
      • Billy recommended giving more money to fewer recipients
      • WIll require updating the application
      • Want to build-in preference for people not receiving tuition assistance program
  • Updated Bylaws
    • No changes recommended, might want to be clear about admin days granted at end of fiscal year to only those representatives still present at EOY


New Member Recruitment

  • Amy J will create flyer to send out with email asking for volunteers


Year End Celebration

  • Everyone will look at calendars to recommend date and location


Closet Clean-out

  • Jacki waiting to hear back from Edwin about what to do with the extra items.