Staff Council Meeting
September 24, 2018
Attendees: Jackie Gibson, Zahra Brown, Meagan Kuitu, Janie Tountas, Amy Suter

Meeting Minutes

EOQ Ceremony

  • Scheduled for the 16th
  • Received a few nominations + carryovers
  • Going to continue with CFA minis and fruit
  • Janie will ask Edwin to move podium and help us with trash can
  • Jackie will find out how much food we ordered before
    • We think 6 trays
    • We’d like to track how much food we bought vs used
    • Janie will use purchase card to order the food
  • Jackie will check with FP&C on using tables

Anniversary Gifts

  • Jackie will ask Josie for a catalog
  • We spent $3.50 / gift last year

Pumpkin Carving Contest

  • Donated Prizes (2 needed)
    • Decorated vs Carving
  • Meagan will call local businesses
    • Tiff’s Treats – website form; they’ll email back
    • Sweet Paris
  • We will check SECC schedule to help choose date

Tree Decorating / Hot Chocolate Event

  • Jackie will find out how we can gain access to hot water dispensers from FP&C
  • Last week of November (26-30th)
  • We want to make sure it’s ready before the Scotty’s House presents are due

Annual Meeting

  • Stephnie & Josie recommended the hotel
  • We will need food from the hotel
  • Would prefer no tour
  • Plan B location: Vet School, Hilton, Bush School
    • Vet school has large meeting room similar to equine center
  • We need to submit dates to 7th floor
    • Planning to have it the first week in December (3-7th)
    • Jackie will get the Chancellor’s availability


  • Jackie will check scholarship account to understand where we stand on budget
  • We plan to pay-out the scholarships in November
  • We will call and ask about amounts and percentages and re-submit for decision
    • Jackie – Lupe Tortilla
    • Meagan – Mad Taco
    • Zahra – Chuy’s
    • Amy – CFA
    • Janie – Rosa’s
    • Ask for:
      • If they do it
      • Lunch vs Dinner vs Both
      • If someone must be on-site
      • % of Profit
      • Day of the Week
      • FYI – looking anytime in first 2 weeks of November
    • We will keep track of contact info

Scotty’s House Gifts

  • Zahra will contact Scotty’s House regarding December sponsorship

Action Items


  • will find out how much food we ordered in past EOQs
  • will check with FP&C on Tables for EOQ
  • will ask Josie for anniversary gift catalog
  • will check SECC schedule for pumpkin carving date
  • will find out how to gain access to hot water dispensers from FP&C for December event
  • will check Chancellor’s availability for Annual Meeting date
  • will check scholarship account to understand where we stand on budget


  • will ask Edwin to move podium and help us with trash can for EOQ
  • will order food for EOQ


  • will contact businesses for pumpkin carving prize
  • will make Google sheet to track info


  • will contact Scotty’s House regarding December sponsorship


  • will call local businesses for fundraiser info