Staff Council Meeting
June 29, 2016
10:00 AM
Attendees: Megan Johnson, Kathy Nelson, Melissa Parker, Halli Falke, Leigh LoBello, Pamela Gentry, Liz Galvan, Meagan Kee, Andrew Beehler, Crystal Berryhill

Meeting Minutes

New Staff Council Members and Officers

  • Chair – Melissa Parker – Representing General Counsel, Real Estate, EEOC
  • Vice Chair – Kathy Nelson – Representing Academic Affairs, Board of Regents Office, Chancellor’s Office, Federal Relations, Marketing and Communications, State Relations, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Treasurer – Halli Falke – Representing Budgets & Accounting, Human Resources, Procurement Services, System Aircraft
  • Secretary – Megan Johnson – Representing Facilities Planning & Construction
  • Leigh LoBello – Representing Internal Audit
  • Liz Galvan – Representing Benefits Administration, Treasury Services, Risk Management, Safety
  • Pamela Gentry – Representing Budget/Payroll/Personnel Operations Center, Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Data Warehouse, Enterprise Software Initiatives, FAMIS, Information Technology Services
  • Action Items
    • Next Meeting August – Melissa to send invite

Upcoming Events

  • Snowcone Day – July 13, 2-4pm
  • Pizza Roll Fundraiser Day – Aug 17th – Double Daves (tickets)
  • Action Items
    • Send Save the Dates Out

Anniversary Gifts

  • Need to order more gifts
    • Flash Drives? – $3.95 each for 200
    • Grocery Totes? – $1.81
  • New members – contact Randy Guillot for list of employee anniversary dates for your departments
  • Action Items
    • Melissa to send email with additional selections – Please respond with top 2 choices

Annual Meeting

  • Locations
    • George Bush Library
    • Kyle Field again?
    • Hilton
    • Equine Center
  • Action Items
    • Brainstorm alternate locations

Chancellor’s Picnic

  • Door Prizes
    • Gift Cards – can these be used if not for $ amount?
    • A&M College Station Campus Items (rather than other campuses)
    • Football Games – Tickets or Chancellor’s tailgate
    • Have less items – but nicer items
    • Must be present to win
  • Action Items
    • Brainstorm catering ideas and alternate locations

Website & Minutes

  • Staff Council Website – links not working properly since TAMU System Office website changed
  • EOQ/SOS Nominations email address has been changed to Melissa Parker
  • Action Items
    • Pamela is checking with IT about links to the minutes and Staff Council website

EOQ/SOS Committee

  • 4 individuals will be selected to serve on committee with Melissa
  • Action Items
    • Provide names of 2 individuals from your departments who are willing to serve on the committee

Scholarship Committee

  • Leigh will head the Scholarship Committee
  • Action Items
    • Melissa will deliver the notebook and forms to Leigh

Next Meeting August – Melissa to send invite