Staff Council Meeting
September 20, 2016
1:30 pm
Attendees: Melissa Parker, Kathy Nelson, Pamela Gentry, Halli Falke, Leigh LoBello, Megan Johnson, Liz Galvan

Meeting Minutes

System Offices Picnic

  • Tuesday, October 11th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM at The Reed House
  • Picnic Agenda – Finalize
  • Make sure there are no kids chasing the birds
    • Make a sign to put up, and also keep an eye out at the picnic
  • Podium setup arranged
  • Backup location: Bethancourt Ballroom (MSC)
  • Door Prizes:
    • Football Tickets
    • Tailgate Tickets
    • 3 days off with pay

Annual Meeting

  • When: Tuesday, December 6th
  • Where: Dr. Green – Hold at new CVM?
    • Have everyone tour the new building

Fundraiser Ideas

  • November – Texas Roadhouse Rolls & Butter?
  • Future Ideas: Blue Baker Design-a-cookie
    • Week-long profit share (all sales)
    • Flavored Popcorn
    • Think of more ideas for Spring 2017

Staff Appreciation Week

  • March 2017
  • Brainstorm ideas to discuss at next meeting

Staff Council Financial Summary

  • Halli to give update on budget