Staff Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
Meeting Attendees: Pamela Gentry, Megan Fulton, Megan Johnson, Janie Tountas, Amy Jenkins, and Mallory Stocker

Meeting Minutes


  • Vote to keep Megan J on for a 3rd year
    • “Yes” was the majority.
  • Voted to add an additional Staff Council member, Mallory Stocker
    • “Yes” was the majority.
    • Departments were divided between Mallory and Amy, as follows:
      • Amy Jenkins – Representing Chancellor’s Office, Marketing and Communications, State Relations, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
      • Mallory Stocker – Representing Academic Affairs, Board of Regents Office, Federal Relations, Vice Chancellor for Research

Chancellor’s Picnic

  • Vote to propose to move the picnic from October to April
    • “Yes” was the majority. Pamela will send the proposal to the Chancellor’s office for approval
    • Veteran’s Park was discussed as an option for the location if the picnic remains in October
    • Pamela will call to check availability for the following dates: Oct 2, 9-12, 23-24

Profit Shares

Fall: Megan J – Blue Baker