Employee of the Quarter Award Guidelines

The Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) Award recognizes the accomplishments of budgeted individuals employed by the System Offices. Four individuals will receive the award each year. The honor will be awarded the beginning of March, June, September, and December for an outstanding employee from the three preceding months.

The EOQ award winner will receive the following:

  • Certificate,
  • Pewter plate with the System seal,
  • Engraved pen and letter opener set,
  • One day of paid administrative leave,
  • A check in the amount of $2,000, and
  • Name displayed on an Employee of the Quarter plaque.

Nomination Process

Nominations will be solicited from all System Offices employees. Nominations of System Offices employees written by employees of other System Members or people outside the System are welcome also. You can fill out and Submit the Form Online.

Nominations are due by the tenth day of the month preceding the award month (i.e., February, May, August, and November) or the next working day if the tenth falls on a weekend or System Offices holiday. Nominations will remain active for consideration for two EOQ award cycles (i.e., two quarters).

To be eligible for consideration, an employee must meet the following criteria:

  • The nominee must have at least one year of continuous service with System Offices in a budgeted position below the rank of Associate Vice Chancellor as of the date of nomination.
  • The nominee may not have received the award within the past 24 months.
  • The nominee must have received an overall rating of Superior Performance or Meets Standards on his/her last performance evaluation. (This will be verified by Human Resources.)
  • In the spirit of outstanding employee service, the nominee must have been a credit to System Offices through leadership, work relationships, achievement of objectives, service/customer relations, and excellent work performance.
Selection Process

At the beginning of each fiscal year, the System Office Staff Council will solicit a list of budgeted System Office employee volunteers willing to serve on the EOQ Selection Committees. Each fiscal year, a current member of the Staff Council will be designated to serve as the EOQ Selection Committee Chair. The EOQ Selection Committee Chair will not be eligible to receive an EOQ award for the tenure of their term, and will participate in the EOQ Selection Committees as a non-voting member. Each quarter, the EOQ Selection Committee Chair will randomly select four (4) volunteers to serve as the EOQ Selection Committee. Any EOQ Selection Committee volunteer that has been nominated or has submitted a nomination effective for that EOQ award cycle will be ineligible to participate on the EOQ Selection Committee during that cycle.

The EOQ committee will select the award recipient based on the criteria of the nomination form which is as follows:

  • Leadership – sets appropriate goals for self, coworkers/staff.
  • Work Relationship – promotes team efforts, interacts well with coworkers/others.
  • Achievement of Objectives – how does this individual help fulfill System Offices’ mission, achieve their objectives and/or objectives of their department.
  • Service/Customer Relations – committee work, customer service/relations both internal and external, and volunteer and/or community service.
  • Performance – strives for highest quality of work, promotes excellence and diversity.

Questions may be directed to the Staff Council Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) Committee Co-Chairs: Carla Krystyniak and Dominic Dertatevasion.