Basic Investigator Training Recap

Thanks to all of those who attended last week’s Basic Investigator Training at the Health Science Center in College Station. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Aubrey Craft for all of her work in setting up this training and making it operate so smoothly, as well as to extend our thanks to the HSC staff for their hospitality and attention to detail. SECO would also like to acknowledge the time and efforts of Elinore Tecson and Jacob Becker from the Office of General Counsel for generously sharing their expertise with our members. Our training covered three days and many topic areas, and we learned we could have benefitted from another half day of training, given the significant opportunity for questions and conversation.
The following people have completed the classwork portion and all passed the post-test (minimum score of 80%). These people are approved civil rights instigators for the system through December 31, 2024. This list will be updated as new test scores are submitted through the end of the month:
Prairie View A&M University:
Toya Douglas
Cheryl Green
Kayla Johnson
Craig Nunn
DeAnna Nwankwo
Rochelle Valadez
Tarleton State University:
Amy Browder
Eva Lopez
Kandace Stone
David Todd Ward
Jason Waters
Texas A&M International University:
Jose Cardenas*
Lori Cortez*
Aleen Gutierrez*
Monica Robledo
Texas A&M University:
Terri Allison*
Dana Hill*
Ryan Jackson
Kayla Melissari*
Natalie Pique
Robin Shuglie
William Warren
Texas A&M University-Central Texas:
Stephanie Brough
Tina Flores-Nevarez
La Trice Houston
Jacqueline Orellana
Paul York
Texas A&M University-Commerce:
Melissa Arrambide
Amanda Berry
Michael Casias
Jayson Douglas
Jennifer Dyer
Mona Gilley
Marcy Louis
Eddie Pinckard
Nate Templeton
Tammi Thompson
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi:
Myra Barrera
Kristie Diaz
Michael LaTorre
Sam Ramirez
Rosie Ruiz
Texas A&M University-Kingsville:
Tasha Clark
Carla Crocker
Vilma Salinas
Texas A&M University-San Antonio:
Joni Baker
William Bush
Jordan Diaz
Jacob Martin
Rosa Sandoval
Reba Sims
Kate Skrabanek
Martin Vertiz
Texas A&M University-Texarkana:
Charlotte Banks
Maddie Franke
Amber Galvan
Jennifer Jordan
Joe Sloan
Celeste McNiel
Jill Whittington
West Texas A&M University:
Dani Atchley
Nancy Hampton
Warren Pitt
Clarissa Streater
Pam Young
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX):
James Booker
Alex Cleghorn
Sade Fields
Aline Lovings
Christopher Sandoval
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI):
Becky Carranza*
Chris Slape
Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM):
Quenya Evans
Eric Shuey
System Ethics and Compliance Office (SECO), Texas AM University System Offices:
Mike Fisher**
Trisha Ford**
Rick Olshak**
Dora Lisa Zavala**
Please note the pass rate for the post-test is 86%.
* = Scored 100% on Post-Test
** = Instructor (exempt from testing)
Across A&M System members, Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) staff averaged 98.75% on post-testing, earning top honors for the training program. Texas A&M University (TAMU) came in second at 96.57%, followed by Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) at 92.50%. Congratulations to each of these programs.
More pictures from the training program (click to enlarge):