James R. “Randy” Brooks
Randy Brooks of San Angelo is a Partner in BNB Ventures, which owns and operates FM Fuel & Resources and other entities. He is the former partner in Jack’s Convenience Stores and former COO of Town & Country Food Stores.
He is Past Chairman of the Board of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce and is a former board member of the City of San Angelo Development Corporation. He formerly served as a Civil Leader for Goodfellow Air Force Base and the US Air Force Air Education and Training Command. He was a member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, and he also served in the US Army Reserve. Randy received his Bachelor of Science in Economics degree from Texas A&M University in 1986.
Mr. Brooks was appointed to the Board of Regents by Governor Greg Abbott in 2021. He serves as Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Physical Plant and is a member of the Committee on Audit. He has served as a member of the Committee on Academic and Student Affairs. He served as Chairman of the Special Committee on the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. He also serves as a liaison to the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets and System Military Training Programs and to the 12th Man Foundation. His term expires on February 1, 2027.