
  • Plan, direct and implement overall system communications efforts, including developing and overseeing various communications programs and projects and coordinating them with other A&M System members, internal staff and external organizations as necessary.
  • Develop and maintain The Texas A&M University System’s main institutional website and the website for the A&M System Administrative and General Offices, including content development (writing and editing), website architecture, layout coordination, and website navigation.  Appropriately position the website on the Internet to ensure the System’s target audiences are reached.
  • Coordinate print and electronic media relations for the system, including writing, editing and issuing system news releases; coordinating Board of Regents meeting media activities; maintaining media relationships; and enhancing the visibility of the system and its members.
  • Research, write, edit and design publications, including brochures, newsletters, the A&M System annual report, and other publications and reports as needed.
  • Conceptualize, write and produce or edit in final form system videos, speeches and presentations for the chancellor, regents and other System administrators.
  • Direct photo shoots for System publications and the System website.
  • Design and develop exhibits,  invitations, advertisements and other marketing communications support as needed.
  • Support the marketing efforts and meetings of the Chancellor’s Century Council.
  • Serve as liaison to the System Communications Council, including coordinating council and advisory group meetings and activities; corresponding by mail, telephone, fax and e-mail to provide or request information from members as needed; and support and mentor individual members.