Gifts and Gift Forms

A&M System Policy 21.05 and OGC Pre-Approved Forms: 

The Texas A&M University System (“A&M System”) Policy 21.05 delegates authority to the A&M System chancellor and/or each member chief executive officer (“CEO”) to accept gifts, donations, grants and endowments on behalf of the respective member subject to certain limitations. The System Office of General Counsel (“OGC”) is required to review and approve certain gifts prior to acceptance.

Below are downloadable OGC approved forms that may be used by the A&M System Members.  Only the blanks on the pre-approved forms may be filled in.  Changes to the body of the forms are not allowed without OGC approval.

  • Gift Agreement with Naming Right: This form may be used when a gift is being made that does not involve the naming of a building, a definable portion of a building, geographical areas or academic entities for such individuals or corporate entities.
  • Gift Agreement with Naming Right: Under A&M System Policy 51.06, this form may be used when a gift is being made that involves the naming of a building, a definable portion of a building, geographical areas or academic entities for such individuals or corporate entities.