Death of a Family Member

 All employees of Texas A&M System Offices are entitled to emergency leave of absence with pay under conditions described in System Regulation 31.03.03 Leave of Absence with Pay. Emergency Leave, including Death of a Family Member, is reportable to the state.

Specific to Death of a Family Member (section 2.1) Emergency leave with pay will be granted upon request because of death of the employee’s spouse, or the employee’s or spouse’s child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, brother, stepbrother, sister, stepsister, grandparent, step grandparent, great grandparent, step great grandparent, grandchild, step grandchild, great grandchild, or step great grandchild.

A department head or designee may approve up to five (5) working days (or up to 40 hours) of emergency leave with pay for the death of an employee’s family member as outlined above. The approval of the CEO or designee is required for emergency leave with pay due to death of a family member when such leave exceeds five (5) working days (or up to 40 hours). The emergency leave hours are not required to be consecutive but must be taken within six months of the date of death. Please utilize the template memo (Word version/PDF) to request emergency leave for Death of a Family Member that exceeds five (5) working days (or up to 40 hours).