Required Employee Notices & Important Reminders

The Texas A&M University System Offices
Required Employee Notices & Important Reminders

The Texas A&M University System is committed to ensuring the safety and health of its employees and various policies and regulations have been established for that purpose.  (Policy and Regulation Library).  As an employee, you should be aware of federal and state laws and The Texas A&M University System regulations that affect you in the workplace.  The following are required notices disseminated annually or information that merits a reminder even though not required by law or regulation.

Annual Employee Notices
As employees of The Texas A&M University System, there are federal and state laws and Texas A&M System Regulations that affect us in the workplace.  The following link is compiled summaries and links to information that requires annual posting as well as information that we hope you find helpful.  We encourage all employees to access the Annual Employee Notices.

Compensatory Time Notice
In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 659.023, we are required to provide employees with information regarding the state’s policy on compensatory time. System Regulation 31.01.09 Overtime includes information regarding federal and state compensatory time.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Rehabilitation Programs
The Texas A&M University System recognizes the cost of substance abuse to the workplace and is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all employees. Policies and regulations have been developed to minimize accidental injuries to persons or property; minimize absenteeism and tardiness and improve the effective job performance and productivity of all employees; identify resources for alcohol or drug rehabilitation for all employees when appropriate; and provide a program designed to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol.  Reference the Annual Awareness and Prevention Program Notice to System Offices Employees, as well as System Policy 34.02 Drug and Alcohol Abuse and System Regulation 34.02.01 Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Rehabilitation Programs for more information.

Equal Employment Opportunity
Federal regulations require that contractors and subcontractors may notify employees and applicants of their EEO rights electronically and must provide employees with knowledge that the electronically posted notice is otherwise accessible. Equal Employment Opportunity notices are available in English and in Spanish

HIV/AIDS in the Workplace
The Texas Department of Health (TDH) offers the HIV/AIDS in the Workplace brochure in order to educate employees about HIV/AIDS in the workplace.  The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Service Act, Chapter 85, Texas Health and Safety Code, specifies that workplace guidelines be established to ensure that the rights and privileges of individuals infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are protected.  Please see System Regulation 34.04.03 HIV/AIDS in the Workplace and Learning Environment.

 Important Reminders

Notice of Privacy Practices for Medical Information
A federal regulation, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 requires that we provide detailed notice in writing of our privacy practices.  This notice located at describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
This confidential Work/Life Solutions service is available to benefits-eligible System Office staff and anyone living in your household.  The service offers in-person and telephonic counseling, training and resources to deal with stressful situations such as parenting, death of a loved one or conflicts at work. Please reference for additional information.

Standards of Conduct; State Agency Policy

Standards of Conduct; State Agency Ethics Policy:

Employee Standards of Conduct:

Prohibited Acts of Agencies and Individuals:

Use of Motor Vehicle:

System Offices Human Resources Webpages:
 Human Resources Forms:

Family and Medical Leave Act:

Notices and Reminders: