Family Leave Pool

Family Leave Pool

System Offices has established a family leave pool to provide a source of additional paid leave for leave eligible employees who have exhausted available sick, vacation, compensatory time and, if applicable, available sick leave pool.

Family leave pool benefits are made available through voluntary donations of vacation and sick leave hours from current and terminating employees.


Employees may qualify for pool hours for any one of the following reasons:

  • The birth of a child, including bonding, for the first year after the child’s birth;
  • The placement of a foster child or adoption of a child under 18 years of age;
  • The placement of any person 18 years of age or older requiring guardianship;
  • A serious illness to an immediate family member or the employee, including pandemic-related illness;
  • An extenuating circumstance created by an ongoing pandemic, including providing essential care to a family member; or
  • A previous donation of time to the pool.

An employee may not withdraw time from the family leave pool in an amount that exceeds the lesser of:

  • One-third of the total time in the pool; or
  • 90 days.

 Family Leave Pool Donations

Employees may donate an unlimited amount of their accrued vacation or sick leave each fiscal year or upon separation from state employment. Donations must be made in 8-hour increments. Note that donations to the family leave pool may incur a tax expense to the donating employee.

Human Resources thanks those employees who choose to donate available vacation and sick leave hours to the pool. Such generosity enables other employees to receive this benefit where circumstances have caused them to exhaust their available paid leave.
