2023-24 Performance Review Process
(Employees & Managers)

The 2023-2024 System Offices Performance Reviews will launch in Workday on June 3, 2024 and will cover the period of June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. An employee hired before March 1, 2024 must have a performance review conducted, even if an abbreviated review for the recent hire. Performance reviews will conclude on July 22nd.

As the Manager – you have two options to complete the employee(s) performance reviews. As you decide what option to select – be sure to meet with your employee(s) to provide them which option before starting the performance review.   As you decide what option to select – be sure to meet with your employee(s) to provide them which option before starting the performance review.   

Option A (Abbreviated Review):  Select this option if:
• The Employee’s performance is consistent this year with last year and the rating from the previous year was documented as Meets Expectations or higher; and 
• Option A (Abbreviated Review) was not selected for two consecutive performance review periods; and
• The Employee did not have a job change (promotion, reclassification, etc.) since the last performance review;

If the abbreviated review is chosen, select Option A and move to the overall rating section of the review, select the same overall rating as last year and submit.
Be Advised: If you select this option, you should have already communicated with the Employee your intent to recognize last year’s performance review as an accurate reflection of this year’s performance. You should have also advised them as to whether they should have completed the self-evaluation in full, or if they were to simply submit the form in Workday to move the business process forward.

Option B (Full Review): Select this option if:
• Option A is not applicable;
• Last year’s performance is not an accurate reflection of the performance observed this review period;
• You desire to complete a full review for this Employee.

Manager informs employee whether or not s/he will acknowledge that the employee’s overall rating received on last year’s review is an accurate reflection of the performance observed during this year’s review and therefore the manager is not conducting a full review. If performance is an accurate reflection of last year, the manager instructs the employee whether to complete the Self Evaluation or not complete. Please follow the steps below to assist you through the performance review.

The manager then adds additional reviewers OR skips additional reviewers (Optional). If manager is acknowledging performance as an accurate reflection of last year, the manager will want to skip additional manager and reviewer tasks by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting Skip this Task.

The Employee selects their Performance Review Self Evaluation and then Get Started. If not completing the Self Evaluation, the employee then selects Review and Submit on the left side menu of the screen and then selects Submit. It then routes back to the Manager. Otherwise, the employee moves through all categories if completing the Self Evaluation

Manager receives the Get Additional Manager Evaluation then can add additional managers OR skips additional managers (Optional) by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting Skip This Task.

Manager then receives the Complete Manager Evaluation task. The Manager selects “Get Started” and completes the System Office Review Questionnaire task: (Option A: Yes or Option B: No). If selecting Yes, the manager selects Next several times as s/he transitions through each category. Manager must provide the Overall Rating from last year’s review and confirm you have met with the employee. On the bottom of the menu – select Submit and process skips to Step 8. If answering Option B: No, the manager is completing the full review and moves on to Step 5

Manager completes full performance review by moving through each category.

Manager & Employee discuss performance review.

Manager submits performance review.

Employee receives Employee Comments and Acknowledgement task. Employee selects Get Started to acknowledge performance review and then Next at the bottom of the menu. Employee then selects either Option 1 or Option 2 to acknowledge the performance review.

Manager receives Manager Comments and Acknowledgement task and selects “Get Started”. The manager should select Next and then Option 1 at Acknowledgement and then Submit. The performance review is complete. If updates to position restrictions are required –the manager should select Option 2 and then Submit – please send email to SystemOfficesEmployment@tamus.edu and we will assist you in the revising the employee’s position restrictions.

The employee and manager will set the pace in completing the performance review. Please complete the performance review by Monday, July 22, 2024.

Step-by-Step Performance Review Videos (Single Sign-On)

Link to Goals Video

Goals Review (Optional)
This video provides an overview of Goals. Goals are optional unless otherwise directed by your department. Goals you established during the last year in Workday will automatically populate into the Performance Review for this year.

Link to the Employees Video

Performance Review Process for Employees
This video provides the overview of the employee completing the performance review process.

Link to Manager Video

Performance Review Process for Managers
This video provides the overview of a manager completing the performance review process.

Additional Resources

Training Sign

Training Opportunities

Choose the following links below to access the trainings in TrainTraq:

Performance Rating Options

Performance Review Rating Scale

Complete mastery of all work processes, recognizing the impact of performance and, using innovation, striving to improve the workplace as a whole; a recognized leader in the organization and a subject matter expert.

Performance exceeds job requirements and/or expectations. Completes difficult special projects; implements innovative ideas to improve efficiency and effectiveness; provides exceptional customer service.

Fulfills job requirements and expectations by consistently meeting established goals and expectations.

Performance does not yet consistently meet job requirements and/or expectations, but employee development in these areas is anticipated with coaching and counseling.

Performance is not at an acceptable level. A formal Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) should be developed and implemented.

FAQ Magnifying Glass

Frequently Asked Questions

Go to your search bar in Workday and type “My Team’s Performance Review”.  This will provide the status of all your employee(s) performance reviews. 

The Additional Reviewer has visibility into the Competency section of the employee performance review and are able to provide ratings and comments for each competency.   Additional reviewers DO NOT have visibility into other sections of the employee performance review. The additional reviewer comments ARE VISIBLE to the employee, manager, management chain and HR. 

The Additional Manager has visibility into all sections of the employee performance review and are able to provide comments on each item within each section.   Additional managers are NOT ABLE to provide ratings on individual items or sections.

The additional manager comments ARE VISIBLE to the employee, manager, management chain and HR.

As Talent Analyst – you have access to two Workday reports, Performance Review Process (Incomplete) & Performance Review Process (All) to track the Performance Review Process for employees in your respective supervisory organization.

Please choose the following link to go to the Workday Performance Review FAQs.