Underrepresented Minorities

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The Relationship Between 8-Year Graduation Rates and Economic Status/Race/Ethnicity

In our previous blog post, we introduced the IPEDS Outcome Measures, which extends graduation rate calculations out to 8 years while also including part-time and transfer students in the metrics. Across public universities in Texas, we saw that 57% of full-time, first-time entering students in the 2014 cohort completed their bachelor’s degree at their originating university…

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The Intersection of Academic Majors, Race/Ethnicity, and Lifetime Earnings

After a brief divergence to review fall 2023 enrollment in Texas, we are wrapping-up our four-part series on lifetime earnings and educational attainment. In this blog post, we explore the intersection of academic major, race/ethnicity, educational attainment and lifetime earnings, variables that were covered independently in previous blog posts. As seen throughout the posts in this series,…


Population Trends by State: Race and Ethnicity

Population Trends by State: Race and Ethnicity Throughout our series on factors affecting current and future enrollments in higher education in Texas, we have looked at trends in birth rates, high school graduation rates, and age-related demographics. With the US Census Bureau’s recent release of the newest edition of the American Community Survey (ACS) data,…

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Borrower Progress Toward Repayment of Federal Student Loans

Loan Repayment Status by Institutional Type This blog post represents the eighth and final contribution in our series on student loan debt. All previous blog posts can be found on our primary website. The previous blog post explored the relationship between loan repayment rate and the percentage of students from underserved/underrepresented student populations. The data…

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Repayment of Federal Student Loans Over Time: Trends by URM

Repayment of Federal Student Loans Over Time This blog post represents the seventh in our series on student loan debt. All previous blog posts can be found on our primary website. In our previous blog post, we started looking at trends in student loan repayment of beginning balances. Using the US Department of Education’s College Scorecard data, we…

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Repayment of Federal Student Loans Over Time

Repayment of Federal Student Loans Over Time In our previous blog posts, we reviewed a number of trends in the federal student loan debt data that are included in the US Department of Education’s College Scorecard data. The College Scorecard student loan debt data are different from other sources, as the cohorts included in the data are comprised of…

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Exploring Student Debt by Student Characteristic

Student Debt by Student Characteristics We continue our exploration into trends in the federal student loan debt included in the US Department of Education’s College Scorecard data. This blog post examines federal loan debt across various student characteristics, including gender, first-generation status, Pell status, and institutional specialty status. By way of review, the national average for four-year public…

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Exploring Student Debt and Demographics

Student Debt and Demographics: URM Status In this blog post, we continue exploring various aspects of student loan debt, as we seek to greater understanding of the challenges facing students, families, and society. In our previous blog post, Exploring Student Debt: The National Perspective, we presented data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s…

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Exploring Student Debt: The National Perspective

Exploring Student Debt: The National Perspective As we continue our look into the various aspects of student educational debt, we shift our focus from a Texas-only review in our previous blog posts (here and here) to review the national trends. Even though the Texas data as tracked in the 60x30TX Plan show that student loan debt indicators…