IHE Enrollment

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Persistence and Retention: The National Perspective

Persistence and Retention: The National Perspective While the past few blog posts have specifically addressed enrollment trends in Texas public universities, this blog post will begin a multi-part series of posts that will look at student outcomes data. We will begin by looking at the national trends associated with persistence and retention before moving to…


IHE Enrollment Trends in Texas: Demographic Data

IHE Enrollment Trends in Texas: Demographic Data The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) recently published more granular enrollment data for all public universities in Texas, providing the first insight into how COVID-19 affected student enrollment across demographic groups. In the previous blog post, we showed that statewide enrollment at public universities increased from 657,985 in…

IHE Enrollment Trends in Texas: An Update for Fall 2020

This blog post is a follow-up to an overview of enrollment trends in Texas posted last fall, which was limited to data through fall 2019. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) recently published an updated report, Enrollment Forecast 2021-2035: Texas Institutions in Higher Education that provides not only projections for the next 15 years, but also provided preliminary actual enrollment figures for fall 2020 by campus.

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Faculty and Student Demographics: A Comparison at Texas Public Universities

A comparison of faculty and student demographics at Texas public universities Success of students in higher education can be attributed to many factors. Personal work ethic, academic preparation, effective learning environment, and support systems are just a few of the variables that promote student persistence and graduation from colleges and universities. Among higher education researchers,…

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Trends in University-level Undergraduates in Texas: SCH at 2-year Colleges and Associate’s Degrees

Previous posts in this blog have explored various aspects of enrollment in public colleges and universities in Texas. Whether looking at direct enrollment trends of high school graduates, the “some college, no bachelors degree” population in Texas, or recent demographic shifts in higher education, the blog posts have sought to better understand challenges facing institutions…

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IHE Enrollment Trends in Texas

While institutions of higher education (IHE) have long held concerns regarding student enrollment, the uncertainty surrounding the effects of COVID-19 on not only beginning-of-semester student enrollment this fall, but also student persistence throughout the semester, has heightened many concerns at colleges and universities. Based on preliminary data published recently by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC),…


“Some college, no bachelors degree” in Texas

In our previous posts, Exploring the “Some college, no bachelors” degree population and Educational Attainment in Texas, we reviewed national and state-level trends related to educational attainment levels of adults (25 and older). This final post in the three-part series narrows the focus within Texas even further, drilling down to county-level data specifically related to the…


Educational Attainment in Texas

In our previous post, Exploring the “Some college, no bachelors” degree population, we reviewed national trends related to educational attainment levels of adults (25 and older). This post narrows the focus to the landscape within the borders of Texas, looking first at statewide trends across educational attainment levels from 2009 to 2018 before reviewing county-level…


Exploring the “Some college, no bachelors degree” population

While most of us are familiar with the 10-year cycle of census-taking, many may not be aware that the US Census Bureau also conducts annual sampling of the US population in order to track shifts in population trends in-between the decennial accounting of Americans. The American Community Survey (ACS) data include an array of variables, from household descriptors to…