Educational Attainment

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The Importance of Dual Credit for Texas Community Colleges

One of the most prolific trends in the past 20 years has been the exponential growth of dual credit students who are earning college-level credits while still attending high school. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) reported that more than 186,000 students were officially enrolled in dual credit courses across all institutions in Texas…

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Trends in Community College Enrollment

Recently, the National Student Clearinghouse’s (NSC) Research Center published its “Current Term Enrollment Estimates” for spring 2023. Across all higher education sectors, total enrollment nationally fell by 0.5% from spring 2022 to spring 2023. Public 4-year institutions saw a 0.8% decline in enrollments from spring 2022 to 2023, while public 2-year institutions saw a 0.5%…

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Connection Between a Quality Workforce and A State’s Success

The connection between a quality workforce and the success of a state is unquestioned. In our previous blog post, we introduced America’s Top States for Business study from 2022. Throughout the 14 years of the CNBC study, Texas has had the best average ranking of 2.2 across all years in the data. However, in the last…


Top States for Business: Where Does Texas Rank?

Throughout our current blog series, we have primarily sought to better understand the factors that have and will continue to influence enrollment in higher education in Texas. We now want to connect the successful preparation of college and university students to real-world outcomes at the state level. To this end, we turn our attention to CNBC’s…

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Educational Attainment in Texas: Some College, No Degree

As a follow-up to our previous blog post looking at broad trends in educational attainment across the United States, we wanted to zoom into the state of Texas specifically to see how educational attainment levels have changed over time. Using the American Community Survey (ACS) data, the visualizations below show data from two perspectives: the counties within 50…

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Trends in Educational Attainment: Some College, No Degree

In our blog series on factors influencing enrollment in higher education, we now turn our lens to the current status of educational attainment in Texas and the United States. We will use data from the American Community Survey (ACS) that provides educational attainment estimates for adults (ages 25 and older) by seven categories ranging from…

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Factors Influencing IHE Enrollments: Birth Rates

Factors Influencing IHE Enrollments: Birth Rates In our previous blog post, we explored data from the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s (WICHE) Knocking at the College Door report that is predicting a -10.4% decrease in high school graduates from 2026 to 2037. One of the primary factors contributing to the double-digit drop in HS grads in…

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Predicting the Future of High School Graduates

Predicting the Future of High School Graduates: WICHE Data Enrollment in America’s institutions of higher education has been an ongoing point-of-concern for a number of years. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent headcount decreases have only heightened the stress related to the future of enrollment in colleges and universities. The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) estimates that…

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Borrower Progress Toward Repayment of Federal Student Loans

Loan Repayment Status by Institutional Type This blog post represents the eighth and final contribution in our series on student loan debt. All previous blog posts can be found on our primary website. The previous blog post explored the relationship between loan repayment rate and the percentage of students from underserved/underrepresented student populations. The data…