Task Forces

Task Forces


CATIE task forces and committees are created as needed when a specific topic warrants continuous discussion, investigation, monitoring, or is requested by the Executive Committee chair and/or the VCAA. Meetings are scheduled as needed via face-to-face, audio conference, teleconference, web conference or any combination thereof.

INTERNAL USE ONLY: CATIE task force and committee leads, click HERE to submit monthly reports.

Academic Technology Research Task Force

Leads: Sunay Palsole (Texas A&M University)

Task Force Charge

To research emerging trends and opportunities in the academic setting that allows for multiple delivery systems with flexibility and mobility in all academic programs. To develop best practices when designing learning experiences that include collaborative learning, multimodal teaching and virtual learning spaces and when engaging industry partners and other organizations that enhance student success.

Annotated Bibliographies 

Accessibility/UDL Task Force

Leads: Katlin Shoemaker (Texas A&M AgriLife)

Task Force Charge

To develop and provide recommendations for accessibility compliance to the chief academic officers; to develop a strategic and systematic plan for building awareness and integrating accessibility and Universal Design for Learning principles in all learning environments.

Affordable Learning/OER Task Force

Lead: Kelley Shaffer (Texas A&M University)

Task Force Charge

To identify ways to reduce the financial burden to students as it relates to course materials and textbooks. To provide recommendations on the digital infrastructure for OER best practices

Collaborative Pricing Task Force

Lead: Richard Schilke (Texas A&M University-Central Texas)

Task Force Charge

To develop guiding principles for System-wide collaborative initiatives to better utilize/leverage resources in technology mediated instruction.

Faculty Task Force

Leads: Kris Drumheller (West Texas A&M University)

Task Force Charge

To research innovative ideas and strategies for academic technology from a faculty perspective.

Legislative Update

Lead: Rolando Garza (Texas A&M University – Kingsville)

Task Force Charge

To work with the A&M System federal relations staff and others to gather and decipher legislative information as it relates to Academic Technology.

Quality Assurance Task Force

Leads: Rolando Garza (Texas A&M University-Kingsville) & Pat Abrego (Texas A&M International University)

Task Force Charge

Provide a shared starting point for setting, describing, and assuring academic standards for online courses and programs. The QA task force will provide input on the development of processes, procedures, and best practices for maintaining academic standards within the online educational environment. In addition, the QA task force will provide a forum for continuous discussion to strengthen learning so that the reviews and evaluations set forth best practices and can be shared throughout the A & M System.

Quality Matters Consortium

Online Assessment Tools and Research