
Tobacco Cessation Resources

The A&M System is a supporter of tobacco cessation. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing smoking-related diseases. According to the CDC, nearly 7 out of 10 adults reporting in 2015 that they wanted to quit using tobacco completely. Aggregate data from the MyEvive Health Assessment last year told us that 314 professed smokers wanted to quit smoking.

As part of the wellness initiative, A&M System health and life insurance premiums include a tobacco surcharge to encourage tobacco cessation. If you or your spouse is a tobacco user, $30 is added to your monthly health insurance premium amount. All types of tobacco products are included as part of the Tobacco User Premium Program, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or any other product that contains tobacco), and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as e-cigarettes, which contain nicotine.

Below are useful tobacco cessation resources you can use on your path to becoming tobacco-free:

Well onTarget – Quitting Tobacco Program

This is a self-paced, 6 lesson program that identifies your tobacco stressors, discusses what medications might help you quit using tobacco and whether it will work for you, and provides strategies to prevent relapse. Access the program by logging into your Blue Access for Members account and clicking “Well onTarget” in the Quick Links, or log in to MyEvive and click on the Well onTarget resource card.

Work/Life Solutions by GuidanceResources

GuidanceResources, your work/life solutions provider, has several resources on tobacco cessation. These include articles, podcasts, ebooks, quizzes, referrals to mobile apps, and more. Simply log in to guidanceresources.com and type “tobacco” in the search bar.

Your A&M System Prescription Drug Plan

Your Express Scripts drug plan covers several prescription drugs to help you quit smoking. The following are covered under the A&M Care plans at no cost, with a prescription from your doctor:

  • Nicotrol NS (nasal spray): 90-day supply in a 365-day period
  • Nicotrol Inhaler: 90-day supply in a 365-day period
  • Zyban: 90-day supply in a 365-day period
  • Nicorette Gum / Lozenge: 90-day supply in a 365-day period
  • Nicotine patches: 90-day supply in a 365-day period
  • Chantix: 180-day supply in a 720-day period


Other Third Party Resources

The American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are just a few of the third party organizations dedicated to tobacco cessation. They offer a variety of free resources through different mediums. You can find more information on these resources at https://www.tamus.edu/business/benefits-administration/wellness/tobacco-cessation-products-and-services/.

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