A&M System HUB Program


A&M System Members HUB Program


The Texas A&M University System and A&M System Members are committed to promoting the participation of minority, women-owned, and small businesses through the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program for the procurement of goods and/or services. The procurement process utilized by the A&M System Members seeks to provide equal opportunity and equal access in the design, receipt and award of procurement opportunities managed by each A&M System member.

The Texas A&M University System will administer its HUB Program under current State of Texas statutes and administrative codes, the A&M System policies and regulations, and the HUB Performance Improvement Plan. Each A&M System employee who is responsible for conducting business with outside vendors has the responsibility of making a “good faith effort” of ensuring that HUBs are afforded an equitable opportunity to compete for all procurement and contracting activities of the A&M System.

Laws, Codes Policies and Regulations

The Texas A&M University System is committed to complying with the existing laws, codes, policies and regulations governing the Historically Underutilized Business Program. In addition to the Texas governing laws and codes, the A&M System has adopted the following policies, regulations and initiatives:

HUB Subcontracting Plan

It is the practice of the Texas A&M University System and A&M System Members to achieve the annual HUB program goals by contracting directly with HUBs or indirectly through subcontracting opportunities in accordance with the applicable Texas Government Codes. Therefore, the System, entering into a contract, regardless of value or funds, shall, before the solicitation of bids, proposals, offers, or other applicable expressions of interest, determine if it is probable for subcontracting opportunities under the contract. If subcontracting opportunities are probable, the System will state such probability in its bids, proposals, offers or other applicable expressions of interest and require the submission of a HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) by the prime or general contractor.

A&M System Members Contacts

For more information about the HUB program at each of the universities and agencies of the A&M System, please contact the applicable individual below.

MemberAgency #HUB CoordinatorE-Mail AddressPhone
The Texas A&M System Office


Lashunda Watsonlwatson@tamus.edu979-458-6088
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University at Galveston


Shawna Kennedyshawna.kennedy@tamu.edu979-845-3425
Texas A&M University – Central Texas770Johnathan Fuselierj.fuselier@tamuct.edu254-519-5477
Texas A&M University – Commerce751Travis Balltravis.ball@tamuc.edu903-886-5060
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi760Ruben Gonzalezruben.gonzalez@tamucc.edu361-825-5822
Texas A&M University-Kingsville732Steven Houstonsteven.houston@tamuk.edu361-593-4068
Prairie View A&M University715A. Marie Johnsonamjohnson@pvamu.edu936-261-1739
Texas A&M International University761Carlos Bellacbella@tamiu.edu956-326-2346
Texas A&M University – San Antonio749Jessica Ninojmnino@tamusa.edu 210-784-4361
West Texas A&M University757Bryon McCaffertybmccafferty@wtamu.edu806-651-2111
Tarleton State University713Cori Luttrellluttrell@tarleton.edu254-968-1683
Texas A&M University-Texarkana764Kristen Tulloskristen.tullos@tamut.edu903-223-3053
Texas A&M AgriLife526Nick Galetkanick.galetka@ag.tamu.edu979-314-5848
Texas A&M Forest Service576Terry Smithtsmith@tfs.tamu.edu979-458-7381
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station716Mary Williamsme-williams@tamu.edu979-458-8990
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service555Ashley Chavezashley.chavez@teex.tamu.edu979-500-6627
Texas A&M Health Science Center709Robby Boundsrbounds@tamu.edu979-845-4534
Texas A&M Transportation Institute727Krystal Schnettlerk-schnettler@tti.tamu.edu979-317-2744
Texas Division of Emergency Management575Carolyn Recordcarolyn.record@tdem.texas.gov512-701-5429