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The New Personalized Wellness Checklist

Completing two steps on your MyEvive Personalized checklist* will ensure that you have the lowest rate for your health insurance premium.

Your Personalized Wellness Checklist may contain up to 5 activities such as your annual wellness exam, preventive screenings, Well onTarget Self-Management Programs, MyEvive HealthQuests, health tool registrations and more. You only have to choose two to complete by June 30th to receive your wellness credit for FY21.

Highlights of the Wellness Incentive:

  • Complete two optional wellness activities between September 1 and June 30.
  • Applies to employees AND covered spouses enrolled in the A&M Care Plan.
  • A premium reduction of $30 per month will be applied for each individual (you and your spouse) who completes the wellness exam and second task by the June 30 deadline.
  • Retirees and Grad Plan enrollees will automatically receive the lower premium.

You can verify your completion status for the wellness premium incentive by logging into your MyEvive account through SSO at https://sso.tamus.edu/.

If you choose not to participate in the wellness premium incentive program, you will not receive the $30 premium reduction. Contact MyEvive member services if you believe you have completed any task, but the information is not reflected in your MyEvive account. (note: remember that it can take 6 to 8 weeks from the time of an appointment or exam for the claim to process and the incentive to show on your MyEvive account.

*The alternate health assessment available on Well onTarget through Blue Access for Members (BAM) can also count toward your wellness credit.

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