Prior to getting started with filming video, please contact your university or agency marketing & communications office for assistance with the necessary equipment, software or knowledge for producing a professional video.

Filming on Campuses or Other System Property
Before using an outside vendor or crew to film on any property of The Texas A&M University System, first notify the marketing & communications office of the university or agency to make sure the vendor has received permission and is aware of the applicable A&M System and institutional policies or guidelines. A formal written agreement may be required before any video is taken on or of the campus, students, faculty or staff. In addition, permission from the institutionā€™s trademarks & licensing office is required to use the universityā€™s copyrighted or protected marks or names in a video for profit.

Media Release Forms
All actors, interviewees and other individuals that are clearly identifiable in the video should sign a media release form permitting you to use their image and voice in video and/or audio recordings. Please contact your university or agency marketing & communications office for a media release form.

While the use of drones or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) can be a useful tool for capturing campus shots, the A&M System, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration, provides notice of the legal guidelines relevant to the use of UAS or drones in or around its campuses:

The FAA regulates the safe operation of all UAS aircraft flights. Any operators who operate carelessly or recklessly can be subject to civil penalties, including fines up to $10,000. This is a particular concern in a restricted construction site or sites near an airport.
Detailed information on the use of UAS is available on the FAA website. Additional guidelines for unmanned aerial devices are also available at The Texas A&M University System Office of Risk Managementā€™s website.

Copyrighted Images and Music
Copyright information for photos, graphics and music must be clearly identified by source. Use of copyrighted images or music for educational use may require additional copyright permissions for promotional use.

Please consult the brand guidelines for your institution or agency for video brand specifications and templates. Videos that use incorrect or outdated logos should not be posted online or on social media channels.

Online video content must be captioned to enable accessibility for people with disabilities. Captioning is a relatively simple process that will allow for greater functionality of web content and will ensure that projects are in compliance with Sec. 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as System accessibility requirements. Free and paid services are also available for creating caption and transcript files for your videos. For assistance with this, please contact the A&M System Visual Media Team at


Use this form to request photo and video services from The Texas A&M University System Visual Media Team for specific needs and projects. 


The Office of Marketing & Communications utilizes PhotoShelter to share A&M System logos and templates, as well as photos from A&M System related events. Access to PhotoShelter is available for all A&M System Office employees. 

To access Photoshelter, sign into SSO and locate the link to the ā€œSystem PhotoShelterā€ in the center of the page.


The Texas A&M University System Visual Media Team films and produces ā€œAround Texas with Chancellor John Sharp,ā€ a public access television program that airs across the state of Texas and highlights the extraordinary people and fascinating stories happening across the member universities and agencies of A&M System.

All episodes of the past four seasons of ā€œAround Texasā€ are available to stream online on the A&M System YouTube channel.

To submit an idea for a show segment, contact the showā€™s production team at


Videos produced by The Texas A&M University System Visual Media Team are available for online viewing on the A&M System YouTube channel.


The Texas A&M University System has provided a video reel available for A&M System employees and members of the media only. Footage is property of The Texas A&M University System and is not available for commercial use.


For any help, guidance, or further questions, please contact The Texas A&M University System Visual Media Team at