System Offices Wellness

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Wellness Release Time

Wellness Release Time provides all full-time (40 hours/week), benefits-eligible, Texas A&M employees the opportunity to use 30 minutes of their regular work hours, up to three (3) times a week, to exercise or participate in physical fitness activities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, benefits of physical activity include control of weight, reduced cardiovascular disease, reduced health risk factors, improved mental health and mood, stronger bones and muscles, and increased chances of longer and higher quality of life.

Wellness Release Time affords employees time to focus on physical activity to reap the health benefits which in turns helps Texas A&M University System maintain a healthy workforce.

  • Wellness Release Time is paid time which does not have to be made up, cannot be accrued, and does not need to be documented on timesheets
  • Each fiscal year of participation, employees must secure approval from their immediate supervisor prior to using Wellness Release Time.
  • The release time requested should coordinate with the employee’s arrival time, lunch time, or end of the work day.
  • Immediate supervisors are expected to make reasonable efforts to accommodate requests for participation in the Wellness Release Time program. Participation may be disapproved for cause if the operation of the department will be negatively impacted by the absence. If an application is denied, the supervisor must indicate the reason(s) for denial.
  • The supervisor is responsible for monitoring compliance with the release time program procedure.
  • Abuse of the privilege to participate in the Wellness Release Time program will subject the employee to revocation of the privilege and/or disciplinary action.
  • Employee acknowledges that Wellness Release Time is not considered work time for purposes of Workers’ Compensation benefits.
  • Prior to participation in Wellness Release Time, employees are encouraged to consult with a physician before undertaking any physical activity program.

View the Wellness Release Time application.

Emotional Wellness Resources

The physical and emotional wellbeing of our employees is a top priority now more than ever. Maintaining your wellbeing isn’t easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re facing a physical or emotional health conditions, we have experts who can help you learn about your condition and treatment options. Employees, retirees and their covered dependents have several resources available to get the help they need.

Resources for employee/retirees enrolled in medical benefits
Resources for all employees and retirees
Resources for graduate student employees enrolled in the Graduate Plan

Financial Wellness

Optional Retirement Programs

You have a choice of additional optional retirement plans which are intended to supplement your mandatory retirement plan (TRS or ORP) as a Texas A&M University System employee. This page provides information on preparing for retirement, moving through the transition to retirement, and post-retirement. Visit the TAMUS Retirement Programs page for more information.

Staff Scholarship Program

The System Offices Staff Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to System Office budgeted employees pursuing a degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

The Staff Scholarship Program was created by the System Offices Staff Council in 2000 with a gift from Chancellor Howard Graves. The fund is supported by private gifts and various fund raising activities hosted by Staff Council.

The scholarships are limited to budgeted System Office employees enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education, regardless of percent effort or length of employment with the System Offices. The number of awards and level of funding will be based on the resources available, as determined by the Staff Council Scholarship Committee.

Application Process
Applications for the System Offices Staff Scholarship Program must be submitted to the Staff Council Scholarship Committee according to the following guidelines:

  1. Scholarship applications must be submitted each semester by the application deadline.
  2. The application must include documentation indicating the employee has registered to attend an accredited institution of higher education and paid for the courses in full (paid fee slip).
  3. Applications must be reviewed and approved by the applicant’s department head, if classes will meet during working hours.
  4. Submit completed application to the Staff Council Scholarship Committee Chair: Debbie Bugenhagen MCB 431 at
Other Resources

Tuition Assistance Program Application
Barry B. Thompson Scholarship Application


Your eating habits affect your productivity at work and in your home life. Here are some resources for tips and recipes for healthy nutritional habits.

Harvard Health Eating Plate

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

Dinner Tonight

USDA My Plate

Brazos County Master Gardeners

Mediterranean Diet

Tobacco Cessation

All Texas A&M University campuses and college sites became Tobacco-Free as of January 2020. We encourage tobacco users to seek assistance through any of the tobacco-cessation resources below.

Smoking Cessation Resources

Blue Cross Blue Shield A&M Care Health Plan Participants have may have access to

  • Nicotine replacement prescription medication at no cost, with a prescription
  • Online Tobacco Cessation programs
  • Individual counseling services
  • Contact the customer service number on the back of your card


WebMD One
WebMD ONE is a personalized resource that gives you access to your health benefits and wellness resources. You may also veiw your current wellness premium incentive status and more.

Health Information for Texans

BMI Calculator