lincoln Financial Group

Technology is an everyday part of life. As more interactions and transactions move online, it’s important to pay attention to cyber-security.

Register your online retirement account. Registering your financial and retirement accounts is an important step to help safeguard your data. When you register, you prevent an unauthorized person who has your information from registering in your place and potentially gaining access to your savings.

Enable security features. If you have accounts that offer two-factor authentication, use it. It gives you an additional layer of security. So do PINs and fingerprint and face identification. 

Watch out for scams. The first step in protecting yourself is knowing what to look for. Make sure you know the sender if you’re clicking a link in an email and be careful about giving away personal information.

Learn more about protecting your data.

Lincoln Financial is pleased to offer you one-on-one retirement plan help. Visit to set up a one-on-one meeting.

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