ComPsych GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions

With fall fast approaching, employees and their organizations continue to face a range of challenges. Now, more than ever, we urge you to make the most of the resources, tools and support provided by your ComPsych GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions Program.

Your GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions Program provides confidential emotional support, as well as legal, financial and work-life guidance, whenever and wherever you need it. The videos below offer guidance on some common mental and behavioral health issues.

Video – Affirmations for Easing Anxiety

Video – Practicing Gratitude

Adolescents and Mental Health
Adolescence is a period of major social, hormonal and emotional change. It is common for teens to be concerned with self-image and to become sensitive to the slightest criticism. With all these changes going on amid the increasing pressures of family, friends, school and a future career, some adolescents become seriously depressed. Learn how to help your teen develop the resiliency needed to get through these tough times.

Manging a Multigenerational Workforce
It’s important for managers to realize that employees of different generations have different needs and goals. The oldest generations may be more focused on their health and retirement savings while those at mid-career age may be more concerned about supporting their families. Despite being in different stages of life, most generations want engaging work and a manager who inspires them to achieve their career goals. Learning about their differences and their needs will help you be a better manager. View the Leadership Toolkit.

For more information about your ComPsych GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions Program.

To find more mental health resources, visit our Emotional Wellbeing page.

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