Cervical Health Awareness

Cervical cancer doesn’t have early warning signs, and most symptoms don’t show up until it is advanced. That’s why prevention is so important. Take action against a silent killer.

Here are some ways you can help protect yourself:
Lower your risks. Stop smoking, lose weight if needed, limit your number of sexual partners and avoid unsafe sex. They all increase your risk.
Know your family history. Find out if anyone in your family has had cervical cancer. Women whose mother or sister have been diagnosed are more likely to develop the disease.
Meet with your doctor. Schedule an annual exam that includes a Pap test and human papillomavirus (HPV) test. Early detection helps improve the chances of successful treatment.
Watch for warning signs. Tell your doctor if you have pelvic pain, unusual bleeding, leaky bladder, anemia or  backpain. They could be symptoms.


BCBSTX Cervical Cancer Flier

Preventing Cervical Cancer

Ten Things to Know About HPV and Cervical Cancer

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