Benefit Processor Handbook and Procedure Manual

Benefit Processor Handbook and Procedure Manual

The Benefit Procedures Manual is a reference for The Texas A&M University System member Human Resources/Payroll offices. The manual is produced by the System Benefits Administration and is available online by section.

The issue date of each procedure is shown at the bottom of the page. Revised procedures supersede all earlier versions of those procedures. We want this manual to be a useful resource and training tool for Benefit Partners. If you have suggestions and/or questions about the manual, please address them to:

Director, Benefits Administration
System Benefits Administration
Moore/Connally Bldg., 5th Floor
301 Tarrow St.
College Station, TX 77840
Campus Mail Stop 1117
Phone: (979) 458-6330
Fax: (979) 458-6247

Additional information on benefits and other human resources programs is available on the System Human Resources Office web site at


Benefit Procedure Manual by Sections