Benefit Briefs Newsletter

The Benefit Briefs newsletter highlights important Texas A&M University System benefit changes and information about your insurance and retirement plans. The Benefit Briefs archives are available if you need past information.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Benefits Brief newsletter, please contact System Benefits Administration at or call (979) 458-6330.

RX Savings Solutions coming soon

What is Rx Saving Solutions (RxSS)?RxSS connects to your health plan to find lower-cost options for prescriptions your household has recently filled. RxSS is a new service connected to your Texas A&M University System health plan. RxSS can help you save money on prescription drugs. Know Your OptionsSee options for …

lincoln Financial Group

Technology is an everyday part of life. As more interactions and transactions move online, it’s important to pay attention to cyber-security. Register your online retirement account. Registering your financial and retirement accounts is an important step to help safeguard your data. When you register, you prevent an unauthorized person who …

WIN Fertility

1 in 6 people are impacted by fertility issues. That’s more than those impacted by diabetes, breast cancer, or Alzheimer’s Disease. You are not alone. WIN is here to offer clinical expertise and compassionate care to help you navigate the path to parenthood. Fertility Facts: Women are born with all …

Get Help setting your regular exams

Let BCBSTX Benefit Value Advisors help you get the most from your health plan. BVAs make it easier to use your health plan, while helping you save time and money. They are available 24/7 to explain your benefits and provide guidance on how to use them. Make sure to get …

HIgh Blood Pressure and oral health

What does it mean to have high blood pressure? Blood pressure consists of two measurements. Systolic blood pressure is how much force your blood exerts against your arteries while your heart beats. Diastolic blood pressure is how much force your blood exerts against your arteries while your heart rests. Because …

Get help with back pain

Preventing Back Injuries A shooting, burning or stabbing pain that stops you in your tracks is such a pain! How can you prevent it and what should you do if you do hurt your back? View the link below for some answers. Hinge Health can help you with chronic …

8 Things you should know about deductibles

Health plans can seem complicated. It helps to know what questions to ask and where to find the information you need. Take deductibles, for example. They’re important to your pocketbook, but do you know how they work? To get you started, here are answers to some common questions we get …

Second opinions from 2nd.Md

With 2nd.MD you can: Understand a new or chronic diagnosis and treatment options. Learn about new breakthrough treatments and trials specific to you condition that may not be know by a local provider.  Understand if a recommended surgery is the best option and understand alternative options. Join us at these …

Mental Health Hub — Take a Wellness Check-In Assessment, access mental health providers and check out tools, videos and articles. This program is confidential, available 24/7 and included with your health plan. Digital Mental Health — Check out online programs from Learn to Live for stress, depression, panic, resilience and …

You’ve likely heard the cliché a million times — “You are what you eat.” So, you might eat foods reported to lower your blood pressure, strengthen your bones or burn belly fat. You might even load up on brain food to feed your head. As it turns out, the experts …

Did you know patients do not take their medicine as prescribed about half the time? What are common obstacles to proper medication adherence? Forgetfulness (busy, distracted, low priority) Cost Complicated dosing regimens Incomplete understanding of medical condition Unclear clinical goals or endpoints Absence of noticeable symptoms Concerns about side effects …

Retirement Plan Contribution Limits are increasing if you are age 60-63 In the critical years before retirement, you may be able to take advantage of increasing how much you’re saving over and above the additional amounts you already can contribute. What this can mean for you Based on IRS rules, …

What are women thinking and feeling when it comes to their finances? Our latest research offers fresh insights to help women better prepare and take action for their financial future. Financial independence is pivotal For women today, financial independence and living comfortably help define success. About 2-in-3 women say the …

With fall fast approaching, employees and their organizations continue to face a range of challenges. Now, more than ever, we urge you to make the most of the resources, tools and support provided by your ComPsych GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions Program. Your GuidanceResources Work/Life Solutions Program provides confidential emotional support, as …

Deltal Dental – Finding a Dentist

How Delta Dental is finding the right dentist for you Finding a new dentist can be difficult, especially when you’ve had the same dentist for years. Delta Dental knows the struggle and understand your frustration. That’s why Delta Dental is working so hard to add more dentists to their nationwide …

Women Can Lower Their Risk for Cancer

Taking care of yourself to cut your chances of getting cancer is a great health goal. But how exactly can you do that? Preventive care, including health screenings, is the place to start. The aim is to prevent cancer or find it early, when it is easier to treat. If …

Well onTarget Blue Points

Members Will Have a New Blue PointsSM Redemption Experience in Well onTarget® in 2025 The Well onTarget Blue Points merchandise mall will retire at the end of 2024 and be replaced with digital gift cards. The new redemption experience will be embedded in the portal and the AlwaysOn wellness mobile app. Steps …

Don’t Let the Flu Sneak Up on You

Many people don’t know that they can get influenza — the respiratory disease we often call the flu — any time of the year. Flu viruses usually peak between December and February. But cases of flu usually start to increase in October or earlier. To be protected before flu cases …

Lung Cancer Screening Lowers the Risk of Death

Lung Cancer Basics Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Smoking poses the greatest risk, but there are others such as exposure to radon and air pollution. Screening high-risk individuals has the potential to dramatically improve lung cancer survival rates. There are multiple types of …

Hinge Health

If you experience chronic back, knee, hip, neck, or shoulder pain you might want to check out Hinge Health. This is a 12-week, coach-led digital musculoskeletal (MSK) program based on proven nonsurgical care guidelines. It is delivered remotely using mobile and wearable technology. Hinge Health is focused on 3 core …