Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Below you will find instructions and FAQs regarding your 1095-C Tax Related Health Form.

Form 1095-C is a tax form related to your health coverage. This tax form contains sensitive information.

To access your electronic 1095-C, follow these steps in Workday:

  1. Select Benefits and Pay from the navigation menu in the top left of the screen.
  2. Select Benefits > ACA Forms
  3. Select the View/Print button next to the form you would like to view.
  4. The form will open in your browser.
  5. To print the form, select the printer icon in the top right of the screen.

For questions about your 1095-C form, please read through the Q&As below.  If you have additional general questions, contact your HR office or visit

If you believe there is an error on your 1095-C, please use this form.

If you were not in a full time budgeted position and were not enrolled in our health insurance, you will not receive a Form 1095-C from the A&M System.

If you worked for more than one A&M System institution or agency, you may receive more than one 1095-C.

If you were enrolled in the Graduate Student Employee Health plan during the past calendar year, you will receive both a Form 1095-C from the Texas A&M University System and a Form 1095-B from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas (the insurance company that underwrites the Graduate Student Employee Health plan administered by Academic Health Plans) to assist with filing your tax return.