Staying Healthy Before, During and After Pregnancy

Before Pregnancy

Some things are important from preconception until after the baby is born:

  • Good eating habits
  • Regular activity
  • Taking care of your mental health

Get started by focusing on good health to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. These steps can help while you’re trying to get pregnant:

  • Make sure any health issues you have are under control.
  • Avoid being around chemicals.
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Talk to your doctor about any supplements you may need. If you take any OTC or prescription medicines, ask your doctor if they’ll be safe to take during pregnancy.
Pay Close Attention to Your Blood Pressure

Many women have high blood pressure during and after pregnancy. It is critical to get treatment for it. It can put both mom and baby at risk. It can also cause problems during birth. High blood pressure and the complications it causes are among the leading causes of maternal death.

Baby’s Health

Your doctor will track your baby at all stages during your pregnancy, says the American Academy of Pediatrics.
This may include:

  • Ultrasound exams to track your baby’s growth and organs with images made from sound waves.
  • Nonstress test to electronically track the baby’s heart rate and movements.
  • Other tests that may be needed based on your own health and family health record. That can include checking for high blood sugar levels, which could be a sign of gestational diabetes.
After the Baby Comes: Mom’s Mental and Physical Health

Your doctor plays an important role in your postpartum recovery. The postpartum period is the first six weeks after your baby is born. A health check during this time is your chance to make sure you’re healing well and ask your doctor questions about your health.

  • Get plenty of rest. Allow others to help so that you can rest.
  • Be reasonable about your weight loss expectations. It takes time to get your body back to where it was before pregnancy.
  • Ease back into working out, focusing on your core, and try kegel exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Eat healthy foods. If you’re nursing, you may need extra calories. Talk to your doctor about a healthy eating plan.

You may have heard of the “baby blues.” If you’re feeling very sad and anxious, and it doesn’t go away, you might have post-partum depression. If you think you may have post-partum depression, it’s important to get help. Talk to your doctor about how you’re feeling and what kind of help you may need.

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