The Texas A&M University System and ACUE have partnered to prepare and credential faculty to teach with practices proven to improve student achievement and close equity gaps.
The Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC) was created in 1982 to provide an avenue for all student leaders to address student issues common to all campuses within the Texas A&M University System. Membership consists of two student representatives from each institution.
In 2005, the 79th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a nonvoting student regent for a university system board of regents. Section 51.355 of the Texas Education Code provides for the annual appointment of one student regent to a university system board of regents. This statute defines the powers and duties of a student regent, establishes the appointment and application procedure, and provides qualifications to be appointed and to remain a student regent throughout the term.
Section 61.0225 of the Texas Education Code provides for the annual appointment of one non-voting student representative to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board by the governor of the State of Texas. This statute defines the powers and duties of a student representative, representative, establishes the appointment and application procedure, and provides qualifications to be appointed and to remain a non-voting student representative throughout the term.
Texas Education Code 51.4031 requires Texas public universities and health-related institutions to provide institution-specific information relating to access and affordability. This information is to be reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board no later than November 1 of each year.
Data included in the institutional reports summarizes institutional activities related to affordability and access for the preceding fall, spring and summer terms. The format for reporting this information was standardized and summaries of the data reported by Texas public universities and health-related institutions.
Student enrollment is as of the 20th class day for each term. These numbers have not been certified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
This report is prepared to provide PRELIMINARY information only.
Throughout the higher education industry, institutions have begun to reassess and consider the design of degree completion strategies. Two popular strategies are competency-based education (CBE) and prior learning assessment (PLA). Both strategies aim to aide students in their degree completion and offer institutions an innovative outlet by which to meet student needs. Trends and details for each strategy are outlined below in accordance with SACSCOC policies and System considerations. This is not an endorsement of either strategy, but rather a presentation of the components of two specific strategies geared to improve degree completion.