Councils, Committees, & Communities of Practice

A variety of standing councils and committees have been appointed to serve the needs and interests of the A&M System and its member institutions.  These advisory bodies can be an important element in the administrative process as an effective means of employing the collective ability, knowledge, and experience of the many competent and dedicated individuals who make up the A&M System community.

Assembly of Faculty Senates

Faculty governance leaders from across the A&M System who promote academic freedom, shared governance, and collaboration among faculty, the chancellor, and system leadership to strengthen communication and support the success of all member institutions.

Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC)

Established in 1982, CSAC provides a forum for student leaders from member institutions to discuss shared student concerns. Each institution selects two student representatives to participate in system-level dialogue and engagement with leadership.

Chief Academic Officers

The Chief Academic Officers (CAOs) of each A&M System member institution and the Health Science Center make up the System Academic Council. This group meets four to six times per year to discuss academic initiatives, share best practices, and collaborate on system-wide academic priorities.

Senior Student Affairs Officers

The Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAOs) from each A&M System member institution and the Health Science Center meet monthly and as needed to discuss student-focused initiatives. This group collaborates on strategies to enhance the student experience across the A&M System.

Council on Academic Technology & Innovative Education (CATIE)

CATIE advises the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the use of technology to support teaching, learning, and assessment, and to provide strategic direction recommendations on emerging technologies and innovative instructional practices across the A&M System.

Communities of Practice (CoPs) are system-wide working groups, all of which have been created around strategic initiatives or key functional areas of practice to allow member institutions to network, exchange ideas, collaborate on activities and/or resources, and work toward common objectives or solving common problems.

Academic Advising Leaders

System Liaison: Isaiah Vance

This group brings together academic advising leaders from across the A&M System to share best practices, explore emerging trends, and collaborate on initiatives aimed at improving advising and student success system-wide.

College of Education Deans

System Liaison: Kim Rynearson

Leads educator preparation efforts across the A&M System focusing on research-based foundations, strong partnerships, and enhanced communication through the We Teach Texas initiative in partnership with Raise Your Hand Texas (RYHT).

Enrollment Management Leaders

System Liaison: Shonda Gibson

Enrollment management leaders from across the A&M System meet to exchange ideas, share best practices, and collaborate on initiatives that support student recruitment, persistence, and graduation.

Graduate School Deans

System Liaison: Stacey Silverman

Graduate school deans collaborate to discuss trends, best practices, and policies affecting graduate education. The group also coordinates the annual Pathways: Practices of Research Symposium, offering students the opportunity to present and receive faculty feedback on their research.

Liberal Studies Deans

System Liaison: Shonda Gibson

The Liberal Studies Deans work together to promote the value and impact of the liberal arts across the A&M System, supporting collaboration and innovation in this essential academic area.

New Academic Department Leaders

System Liaison: Kim Rynearson

This group provides onboarding, professional development, networking, and support to new academic department heads as they transition into leadership roles within the A&M System.

Recovery of Stopped-Out Students

System Liaison: Shonda Gibson

Through a partnership with ReUp Education, this group supports member institutions in identifying, engaging, and re-enrolling stopped-out students, helping them return and complete their degrees.

SACSCOC Accreditation Liaisons

System Liaison: Shonda Gibson

Accreditation liaisons collaborate to share best practices and resources related to SACSCOC accreditation and reaffirmation, including peer review and preparation support for institutions undergoing the process.

Tools for Affordable Learning/OER

System Liaison: James Hallmark

This group works to identify and promote strategies that make higher education more affordable across the A&M System through the use of open educational resources (OER) and other high-quality, cost-saving tools for learning.