The creation of a center or institute requires the recommendation of the chancellor and the approval of the Board of Regents (board) of The Texas A&M University System (system). Centers or institutes must be periodically reviewed and may be modified or dissolved in accordance with System Policy 11.02 Creation of Centers and Institutes.


A smaller, interdisciplinary, collaborative effort centers on specific research or educational activities, engaging participants from multiple academic departments or units. Its primary focus lies in externally supported research or educational endeavors that extend beyond the individual interests of a single department or unit.


A large integrative unit overseeing intercollegiate or interagency activities, led by a director reporting to a dean, agency director, or a higher-ranking official. The unit primarily concentrates on externally supported research or educational activities that extend well beyond the specific interests of a particular college or administrative unit.

Programs, Laboratories, Faculties and Facilities

(does not require Board approval)

Smaller administrative, educational, or research entities typically situated within an academic department or unit.

Requests to establish new centers and institutes require the submission of the Agenda Item Briefing Minute Order and the proposal. The agenda item and proposal are submitted to the Board of Regents for approval.

Submit the request with all required documents via email to

Please include all of the required forms below:

  • Briefing Minute Order
  • Proposal

    Note: Within the A&M System proposal unit for a center or institute, the actual proposal may be quite voluminous, especially if it comprises or is part of a larger state, federal, foundation, or private sector request. The proposal for approval to the Board of Regents needs to be no longer than 10 pages.  The narrative should address the purpose, provide brief bibliographic data on the principles of the center or institute, include a projected activities calendar, and anything else deemed necessary.  Thus a proposal’s executive summary in most cases will be submitted to the Regents in place of a voluminous proposal as the attached item to the agenda item materials.