An institution proposing an existing doctoral program for online distance delivery must have permission from the System and the THECB.

The program must be in good standing with all appropriate review and accreditation organizations.  It must have sufficient numbers of students in its on-campus program to permit its successful continuation. It must be submitted through the appropriate institutional and system administrative channels.

Universities and health-related institutions must inform the A&M System (Office of Academic Affairs) and the THECB when four or more courses that support a doctoral program are being offered online. The notification should include whether or not the institution intends to eventually offer the program via online delivery.

Submission Process

All distance education change requests are submitted through Laserfiche Forms.  To access, Laserfiche Forms click here or the button below.  If you need assistance click here to visit our Laserfiche Help webpage.

Click Here to Submit Your Request


Required Documentation and Format

Please include all of the required forms below:

  1. Approval Form
  2. Online Delivery Proposal
  3. THECB Certification Form
