THECB rules define distance education as “The formal educational process that occurs when students and instructors are not in the same physical setting for the majority (more than 50 percent) of instruction.” Distance education can include courses and programs offered online, off-campus face-to-face, and electronic-to-groups.

THECB rules recognize two categories of distance education courses: fully distance education courses and hybrid/blended courses. A fully distance education course is defined as “A course which may have mandatory face-to-face sessions totaling no more than 15 percent of the instructional time. Examples of face-to-face sessions include orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test.” A hybrid/blended course is defined as “A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent but less than 85 percent), of the planned instruction, occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not in the same place.”

Submission Process

All distance education change requests are submitted through Laserfiche Forms.  To access, Laserfiche Forms click here or the button below.  If you need assistance click here to visit our Laserfiche Help webpage.

Click Here to Submit Your Request

Required Documentation and Format

Please include all of the required forms below:

  1. Approval Form
  2. Online Delivery Proposal
  3. THECB Certification Form
